What is Voice Banking and How Can It Help People with Motor Neurone Diseases
Dec 6, 2022 3:42:29 AM

What is Voice Banking and How Can It Help People with Motor Neurone Diseases

Motor neuron, or neurodegenerative diseases, usually result in the loss of some or all of an individual’s ability to speak. However, thanks to modern-day innovations,...
# Healthcare
Video Game Voices: The Rise of Voice Synthesis Technology in Gaming
Nov 22, 2022 3:50:24 AM

Video Game Voices: The Rise of Voice Synthesis Technology in Gaming

COVID-19 gave the video game industry a sizable bump in sales and traffic. With the entire world sitting at home and social distancing, the rise in popularity of video...
# Respeecher Voice Marketplace
Respeecher On the Future of Voice Cloning for Patients with Speech Disabilities at the 2022 MET-TMOHE Joint Conference
Jun 27, 2022 5:22:52 AM

Respeecher On the Future of Voice Cloning for Patients with Speech Disabilities at the 2022 MET-TMOHE Joint Conference

Speech is a uniquely human ability that we often take for granted. It allows us to communicate with one another, express emotions, and convey thoughts and ideas. And...
# Healthcare

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