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Respeecher and Cyberpunk 2077: How AI Revived a Beloved Voice

The Respeecher team is made up of young and talented individuals from diverse backgrounds. More often than not, the projects we work on are the same movies, music, and video games that we enjoy in our free time. This time, it's more true than ever, with regard to one of the most popular video games ever made—Cyberpunk 2077. In 2023, we assisted CD PROJEKT RED in reviving the voice of one of the most loved voice actors from the Cyberpunk 2077 franchise.


The Challenge 


Cyberpunk 2077 was released in 2020 by CD PROJEKT RED—a game development studio renowned for creating one of the most popular and critically acclaimed RPGs of the last decade, The Witcher series of games. A popular character throughout the different storylines is Viktor Vektor, a ripperdoc who assists the main character in enhancing their body with advanced implants and modifications. Viktor's story of friendship with the main character is a critical narrative throughout the overall game, and quickly endeared him to players.


Sadly, in 2021, Miłogost Reczek, the actor responsible for Viktor Vektor's voice in the Polish version of the game, passed away. While working on the Cyberpunk 2077 expansion, Phantom Liberty, CD PROJEKT RED attempted to find different actors to voice Vektor's lines in the new content. However, it quickly became apparent that finding a replacement without sacrificing his original tone and cadence was impossible.


With the endorsement of Reczek's family, the studio embarked on a path that balanced respect for the actor's legacy with technological innovation. That's when they reached out to Respeecher to recreate the voice of the actor for Phantom Liberty expansion that went live in 2023.


The Solution

As with any other process of this nature, we first had to create an AI model of Miłogost Reczek. This was not a problem, as there were plenty of high-quality studio recordings of his performances. In the recreation, the source voice actor who performed Viktor Vektor's lines was Janusz Zadura. Janusz did an amazing job trying to mimic Miłogost's performance. The quality of the conversion was near perfect, and no one could notice the difference between the original voice actor and the synthesized voice.

The timeframe for the project was tight, but together with CD PROJEKT RED, we managed to complete the project on time.

The Results

Phantom Liberty, the Cyberpunk 2077 expansion, was released on September 26, 2023. It debuted with glowing reviews and sold over 5 million copies by the end of 2023 .

YouTube hosts numerous fan videos where bloggers discuss the revival of Viktor's voice, having been informed that it wasn't the original actor. Virtually all of them state they couldn't have distinguished between the synthesized and original voices if they hadn't been informed.


The permission to recreate the voice and the acknowledgment of the results from Reczek's family is equally important as the overall game's success. In an ethical setting, voice conversion does its best work. It honors the phenomenal work of those who came before while simultaneously paving the way for aspiring artists to leave their mark on voice acting.



AI voice synthesis in video games is done through technologies such as voice cloning, which really replicates an actor's voice. For example, Respeecher helped CD PROJEKT RED recreate Viktor Vektor's voice in Cyberpunk 2077 by building an AI model from high-quality recordings of the actor Miłogost Reczek and synthesizing new lines that match his tone and cadence.

An AI voice synthesis of a deceased actor is ethical if it is carried out with family consent and respect for the legacy that the actor created. In the example of Viktor Vektor, Miłogost Reczek's family was contacted with regard to his voice being used in Phantom Liberty, a project fitting his contribution with responsible use of AI-powered dubbing technology.

Such technologies used for that purpose include voice cloning, deepfake voice, and synthetic voice technologies. Respeecher provided a Viktor Vektor's voice AI model for Cyberpunk 2077, created by using Miłogost Reczek for Viktor Vektor, and gave it a perfectly seamless, synthesized voice for the character to the original in Phantom Liberty.

Phantom Liberty is the Cyberpunk 2077 expansion, touting its cast of characters and storylines, a little different in that the AI voice synthesis of Viktor Vektor's voice really sounded close enough to his original performance to make the expansion pop in ways it could have so easily fallen short.

Many gaming firms and others outside of it use AI-powered dubbing for voice synthesizing, including those firms dealing in films and music. Respeecher has worked with other projects to recreate voices using synthetic voice technology to produce high-brow voice performances post the original actor's death or unavailability.


AI voice synthesis

A technology that is used within gaming to recreate voices, such as Viktor Vektor in Cyberpunk's Phantom Liberty, by using voice cloning, deepfake voice, and Respeecher's AI-powered dubbing.

Voice cloning

A process within AI voice synthesis that reproduces an actor's voice, like Viktor Vektor in Cyberpunk's Phantom Liberty, with Respeecher's deepfake voice technology.

Deepfake voice

Synthetic voice technology is one of AI voice synthesis techniques, like the Cyberpunk's Viktor Vektor from Phantom Liberty, done by Respeecher with his voice cloning technology.

Synthetic voice technology

A method in AI voice synthesis that creates artificial voices, like Viktor Vektor in Cyberpunk’s Phantom Liberty, using Respeecher’s voice cloning.

AI-powered dubbing

A technique in AI voice synthesis that uses voice cloning and deepfake voice technology, like for Viktor Vektor in Cyberpunk’s Phantom Liberty, by Respeecher.

Respeecher in Phantom Liberty

Learn how Respeecher AI voice synthesis kept Viktor Vektor's iconic voice alive for Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty expansion created by CD PROJEKT RED. Explore the process, challenges, and ethical considerations behind this innovation in gaming industry innovation.

  • Preserving Viktor Vektor's Legacy

    Viktor Vektor went on to become one of the fan-favorite characters in Cyberpunk 2077 voiced by Polish voice actor Miłogost Reczek. After his tragic death, it fell onto CD PROJEKT RED to reimagine Viktor Vektor 's voice for the Phantom Liberty expansion. It was impossible to find an actor who could convey Reczek's tone and cadence, which called for a dive into AI voice synthesis technology from the studio.

  • Voice Cloning by Respeecher

    That is where Respeecher came with bleeding-edge synthetic voice technology in order to fix the issue at hand. Later, his voice cloning was made possible by taking clear high-definition records of earlier enactments by Miłogost Reczek. Later on, the synthesized voice was integrated using AI-powered dubbing techniques coupled with deepfake voice maintaining in perspective the continuation of Viktor Vektor  into newer content.

  • Ethical and Seamless Solution

    This voice cloning project worked wonders, and the fans of Cyberpunk 2077 were astonished at how identical AI-powered dubbing was to the original performance—even the inability to tell the difference without being told. The expansion launched in 2023, Phantom Liberty, has received critical acclaim and sold over 5 million copies. It was also an ethical way of consultation with Reczek's family to honor his legacy.

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